

Different Directions

From 10 faculty members, 40 students and three fields of study at the time of its founding, Secondary School has grown to more than 1,600 faculty, 35,000 students and over 350 degree programs in 130 academic departments and 80 interdisciplinary research units. One of the most important things we can do for students is not just teach them specific knowledge and skills, but help them match their interests to their career path.

Ametikoht Nimi Telefon Email
Direktor Alari Allika 5830319 direktor(at)lagedi.edu.ee
Kooli õppejuht Merilin Uder 55512684 oppejuht(at)lagedi.edu.ee
Lasteaia õppejuht Katrin Paldermaa 55964898 laoppejuht(at)lagedi.edu.ee
Huvijuht Triinu Sepp 58013054 huvijuht(at)lagedi.edu.ee
Rae vallavalitsuse IT- spetsialist Nils Suhov 59812727 nils.suhov(at)rae.ee
Haridustehnoloog Olga Khodyreva 56839169 haridustehnoloog(at)lagedi.edu.ee
Majandusjuht Janika Mäeväli 58409795 majandus(at)lagedi.edu.ee
HEV-koordinaator Ae Tihane 59003149 hevkoordinaator(at)lagedi.edu.ee
Sekretär / personalispetsialist, registripidaja Viivika Orumaa 58352633 sekretar(at)lagedi.edu.ee